Girl Crush: Maddie Sparkle

Maddie Sparkle Don Curry3

I haven’t done a girl crush post in a while so thought it was time to do one. I’m a bit embarrassed to do this post especially since Maddie and her sister Shimmy recently stayed at my house during All Stars! That’s right! They needed a place to stay that was near the airport as they had a 6am flight the next day, and since my place is 10 minutes from the airport, I answered their Facebook plea – and they accepted! I still can’t believe it!

Anyway, Maddie was one of my earliest pole girl crushes when I was just starting out at pole which was about 3-4 years ago now. I first discovered Maddie & Shimmy on YouTube. Their style was quite similar but there was something about Maddie that I was always drawn to.

Some older images that I have always loved, gosh I wish I had her back!

Maddie Sparkle

Maddie Sparkle Justin Tran2

I always admired how flexible she was, how hard she trained and yet how petite she would stay! Even though she’s tiny she was so strong and would bust out these tricks that needed immense strength. I always looked forward to watching her new videos with lots of flexy tricks, sparkly costumes and hair flicks. She was one of the first people whose pole videos, that erred on the side of sexy, I would actually watch and not be weirded out. When I first started pole I was very pro “it’s-pole-fitness-it’s-not-sexual-at-all” so I would never watch the “sexy” videos. Now I’m all about the sexy but more on that later.

Some more recent photos of her by the amazing Don Curry:

Maddie Sparkle Don Curry

Maddie Sparkle Don Curry4

Maddie Sparkle Don Curry2

To this day, she is still super flexible, super strong, works harder than ever and she just makes dancing look so effortless and beautiful.

Now that I’ve met her, I can also say that in real life she is a really nice person, she’s really funny and she may be tiny, but she eats a lot! And so is her sister, Shimmy!

How amazing is she in this video?

There I confessed, now tell me who your girl crushes are so that I don’t sound like a total weirdo!

Note: All images from Maddie Sparkle’s Facebook page, the photographers are Don Curry and Justin Tran.

Alethea Austin’s Sexy Floor Workshop

Hi guys, sorry I’ve been a little MIA again, usual busy at work and too tired to write when I get home situation unfortunately 😦 Although I have also been working on something exciting and can’t wait to share it with you all soon. I can barely keep the secret from all my friends but it will be announced soon so stay tuned!

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, All Stars was held in Melbourne. This is the first Pole and Aerial Art Competition of its kind and even had some international entrants competing. I am working on my write up for that so hopefully it will be published soon but if you follow me on Twitter then your feed would have been blown up by my updates that night.

As well as international entrants there were some famous international pole dancers or (polebrities as I like to call them 🙂 ) including the incredible Alethea Austin who did a doubles act with Cleo the Hurricane. I have always admired her and wish that I could move like her. When this woman moves it’s like oil. She is so smooth, her transitions are flawless and every single muscle in her body is used, it’s hard to explain but just search for her YouTube videos and you’ll understand what I mean. She was running some workshops whilst she was here and unfortunately all the ones being held at Pole Divas were full so my friends and I had to travel to Arena Pole which is about an hour away just to do her workshop! It was totally worth it. We did her Sexy Floor Workshop and I was just mesmerised by her the entire time, even during her warm up. I wish that I had filmed her because her warm up is so different to anything that I’ve ever done before and I want to keep doing it at home.

After the warm up she taught us a short routine which involved some of her basic “sexy” moves. Her advice? Do everything slow. It’s a lot harder but it looks so much better, and if you can control it it’s also a great work out! We were all dripping with sweat not even halfway through the workshop. (Sexy right?) She also stressed the importance of working on your sexy performance face, even if what you’re doing is really hard and you’re struggling to do it, never let people know that you’re struggling. Then she taught us some of the different ways to (properly) do a forwards and backwards roll. There are so many ways to do them! I had never been able to do a forwards roll before and when I tried it she picked up my one mistake straight away and yelled at me! I was so mortified with embarrassment but when she came over to help me and I tried again – I got it! For those interested, I wasn’t completely putting my head through the ‘hole’ between my arm and the floor, as soon as I did this, everything fell into place – thanks Alethea! She also taught us a few other moves called a “turtle” and the proper way to do duck dives (excruciatingly slowly) and elbow presses. At the end of class we all did a free dance which we could use the routine as a guide but she encouraged us to just do what we wanted to do, and to definitely not copy her. At the beginning I was peeking at her while I was pretending to dance but then I started to really feel the music and before long I was completely ignoring everyone else in the room and just focusing on my own movement. It felt amazing and when the song ended I just wanted to keep dancing.

After class she was selling her merchandise out of her suitcase but I had no cash! I was so devastated I should have been more organised, I’m going to jump onto her website to buy some things that I missed out on.

The workshop went for about an hour and half and in my opinion it wasn’t long enough! It felt like 15 minutes, I had so much fun and learnt so much. I now have so many new things that I want to practice and have rediscovered my love of free styling. If you ever have the opportunity to do a class or workshop with her I highly recommend you to take it! As well as being an amazing teacher she was also so down to Earth and lovely. I thought that I was going to be intimidated when I met her, since she’s such a well known figure and so highly regarded in the pole world, but I wasn’t, she was just so friendly and approachable. Her students at The Chrome Bar are very lucky to have her!

Below are some photos from the workshop:

VogueFit - Alethea Austin and I

The incredible Alethea Austin and I

Voguefit - Alethea Austin Sexy Floor Workshop

My friends and I with Alethea Austin.

Have you ever had a workshop with Alethea? Or who is a polebrity that you have actually had a chance to meet and do a workshop with? I’d love to know, let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading,

J xx